Over the past couple of months of shelter-in-place in Quincy, IL, Award-winning CENTURY 21 Agent Misty Dowling has celebrated three family birthdays, a graduation and the adjustment to what “normal” is for the majority of us. Despite these challenges, she has not stopped finding new ways to deliver the extraordinary to her clients and in her community. We caught up with this recent Relentless Agent Award winner to learn the ways she’s working through this current pandemic.
So, tell us Misty, how are you staying connected with your community right now?
Our nurses are working extra-long hours and don’t always have time to eat full meals. I donated snacks to every nurse’s station in our local hospital. The nurses all took pictures with the snacks and sent them to me, they were so grateful for the smallest gesture! I also deliver groceries to the elderly who shouldn’t or can’t get out due to risk of COVID-19.
Do you have any stories that are particularly memorable to you from the last few weeks that you could share?
I ran into a client I sold a home to at the store. She had her four children kids (all under the age of nine!) with her. I could see she was frantic and overwhelmed trying to find Lysol. I told her I would go to a few stores so she didn’t have to drag her kids in and out potentially exposing them. I found 2 cans of Lysol and dropped them off on her porch. She was so appreciative. It goes to show, it’s really the little things we do for each other right now that matter more than ever.
Are you doing anything differently to push forward with your day-to-day work in helping your clients during this time? How would you describe your new “normal”?
We can all use a good laugh right now. I have added videos and market updates into my weekly routine on all of my social media platforms. Instead of just dull market numbers I have added humor! Last week was a Tiger King skit where I dressed my dog up as a lion.
I have also had clients ask me about the spread of corona virus and how that effects showings at their home. We are taking every precaution possible using COVID-19 forms and following guidelines from the association. I explain to sellers and buyers the new way we have to show homes. We use gloves, masks, and sanitizer and remove our shoes at the front door.
Productivity continues for us, despite the current circumstances. I am thankful our office had electronic filing and signatures through Dotloop even before COVID-19 life. This has been a lifesaver in our current stay at home situation.
What is something that you’ve learned during this unique time that you’ll incorporate into your life moving forward?
I touch everything and touch my face!! I had no idea how much I did this until I actually had to think about it. I will keep sanitizer with me and use it more. I also realize I need to slow down and enjoy walking our beautiful parks with my family. I will absolutely make my family continue to take a break from technology and spend more time outdoors. Discovering this has been a huge benefit to come out of the stay at home orders.
What is your top tip for being relentless during this time?
I think the coronavirus has made me as an agent look around and ask how I can help more. I have always approached business by putting people first and the money follows. Living through the coronavirus pandemic will prove even more so that we have to be human and love our neighbors and put people first to then be successful when this pandemic is over.
BONUS: What is the first thing you’re going to do once the local shelter in place orders have been lifted?
I love stopping into TJMaxx for a little retail therapy between showings. I can’t wait for normal life! Besides shopping I just can’t wait to hug my parents at some point. We have practiced social distancing to protect them.
The Relentless Agent Awards celebrate all of the ways that C21 Agents deliver extraordinary experiences to their clients and make the home buying or selling process a memorable one. Are you a client who recently has an amazing experience with a CENTURY 21 Agent? We want to know! Click here to submit a nomination for a deserving Agent today.